Showing posts with label aesthetic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aesthetic. Show all posts

Hyperpigmentation is one of the most common skin concerns I encounter on a regular basis as Aesthetic Nurse Specialist. It is ...

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As some of you know, I work as an Aesthetic Registered Nurse specializing in non-invasive aesthetic procedures such as laser, radiofrequenc...

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Another A Day In The Life Vlog! I know I talked about Sculpsure Laser Body Contouring few times on the blog, including an amazing before/af...

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"Why didn't I know this before? why only now? I should've done this way earlier! This actually saved me more money than waxing!...

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I know I talk a lot about laser procedures in treating wrinkles and fine lines. But do you know that depending on the severity of volume los...

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Sculpsure Laser Body Contouring is one of the aesthetic procedures we do at our clinic. To date, it is the first and only FDA-approved...

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So you've been debating for the longest time whether to get Botox or Fillers. You've spent countless hours searching online, rea...

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I have mentioned in the past that I am going to share some aesthetic procedures I have done myself (check out my botox). In case you don't know, I work as Aesthetic Registered Nurse so aside from performing laser procedures, it goes without saying that I am also the "face" behind; hence, I voluntarily subject myself to various aesthetic procedures so I can truly relate to our patients, answer their concerns and most importantly, explain and level their expectations from a patient's standpoint. For today's post, I am sharing my Laser Skin Rejuvenation experience which is composed of non-ablative laser (indicated for textural issues such as wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, melasma) and intense pulse light therapy (indicated for vascular lesions/pigments, sun or age spots, unwanted hair, etc). In my case, I was particularly concerned with aging skin, minor acne scars, big pores and fine spider veins around my nose and left jawline. While skincare products and lifestyle choices can help prevent certain skin issues, laser technology is the answer if you want total skin rejuvenation or resurfacing. Laser works by targeting and repairing your skin below the surface. It stimulates collagen and elastin production and overtime, this process tightens the skin and fill in the wrinkles. Laser is a costly procedure depending on who does it and where it is done. A machine being used by a doctor in the suburb can cost three or four times more if you move it to Beverly Hills under the hands of a celebrity doctor. There are also two types of laser: ablative (less treatment required but significant social downtime involved, 7-10 days at the most) and non-ablative (more treatments required but less social downtime, few hours to to 2 days on average). I had a non-ablative treatment using Cynosure Icon, here's a video if you are interested to see how it's done in a clinic setting:
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"You don't need Botox" said hubs. "But you don't have wrinkles" said a couple of friends when I told them about it. Regardless what they said, it's done and over with. An after-the fact statement. Less than five minutes and 12 units later, this woman is tippy-toe happy with the result. 

what to expect with botox, post-treatment with botox, before after botox photos
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