Another A Day In The Life Vlog! I know I talked about Sculpsure Laser Body Contouring few times on the blog, including an amazing before/after photos of me which I posted here. Now that I am vlogging and getting more and more comfortable on-cam, I thought it would be nice for you to actually see the procedure, hence this post!
To recap, Sculpsure is the first FDA-approved laser treatment for stubborn fat in certain body areas such as the abdomen, flanks, back, thighs, arms, among others. This is good for people, who despite diet and exercise, can't get rid of the fat cells. Results are typically seen anywhere from 6-12 weeks. I explained the science behind on this video but the procedure itself on this video. My vlogging-style is raw, it's kind of like how I start my day, makeup I wear, outfit, where I eat, shop and most important of all, a sneak peek of the aesthetic procedures I get to perform regularly. Think reality for lack of a better word to describe it. I have transitioned to this approach while maintaining this blog because there are things that are better shown in video than still photos. I also want you to see the other side of me outside blogosphere. I hope you enjoy!
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